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  Chromodynamics (17)

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Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics Open in a new windowLink Details
- A set of postscript lecture notes on the foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics.
- http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9901412

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Heavy Quark Effective Fields Open in a new windowLink Details
- A Postscript file overview of the theory of Heavy Quark Effective fields
- http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9611411

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Aspect of Quantum Chromodynamics Open in a new windowLink Details
- Lectures providing an overview of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the SU(3) gauge theory of the strong interactions.
- http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0001118

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An Introduction to Heavy Quark Effective Field Theory Open in a new windowLink Details
- Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) is a new approach to QCD problems involving a heavy quark.
- http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9908366

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Quantum Chromodynamics Open in a new windowLink Details
- These lectures provide an overview of Quantum Chromodynamics , the SU(3) gauge theory of the strong interactions.
- http://www.arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9505231

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Introduction to Lattice QCD Open in a new windowLink Details
- These notes aim to provide a pedagogical introduction to Lattice QCD.[Postscript]
- http://it.arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat/9807028

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ITEP School of Particle Theory Open in a new windowLink Details
- A collection of lectures on Quantum Chromodynamics given at a conference
- http://www.desy.de/~ozerov/asipt/Lectures-1.html

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Physics on a 4D Scaffold Open in a new windowLink Details
- A brief description of how to construct lattice quantum chromodynamics.
- http://www.ph.unimelb.edu.au/~ywong/poster/articles/latqcd2.html

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Large N QCD Open in a new windowLink Details
- A Postscript file containing a series of lectures on large N quantum chromodynamics
- http://xxx.uni-augsburg.de/abs/hep-ph/9802419

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CDF: Testing QCD Open in a new windowLink Details
- An assortment of papers and talks regarding the progress of testing QCD theory (quantum chromodynamics) using FermiLab.
- http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/new/qcd/qcd_old.html

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