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  Chrysophyta (19)

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Silicoflagellates Open in a new windowLink Details
- An illustrated article by Richard T Carter on these interesting protists.
- http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artjul07/rc-silicoflag.html

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Silicoflagellate Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information from Wikipedia on this small group of unicellular algae, found in marine environments. Members of the only genus, Dictyocha, have one golden-brown chloroplast and a long flagellum.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicoflagellate

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The Silicoflagellate Dictyocha Open in a new windowLink Details
- Photographic study by Rene van Wezel of this member of the marine phytoplankton.
- http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artfeb04/rvwmarine1.html

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Desmids Open in a new windowLink Details
- Article by Wim van Egmond on these organisms with many excellent photographs of various species.
- http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/wimsmall/algdr.html

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Phytoplankton: Coccolithophorids Open in a new windowLink Details
- Some quick facts on these organisms and a scanning electron micrograph of Emiliana huxleyi.
- http://www.mbari.org/staff/conn/botany/phytoplankton/phytoplankton_coccolithophorids.htm

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Phytoplankton: Silicoflagellates Open in a new windowLink Details
- Some quick facts on these organisms with information on the genus Dictyocha and a photomicrograph of an unidentified species.
- http://www.mbari.org/staff/conn/botany/phytoplankton/phytoplankton_silicoflagellates.htm

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Phytoplankton: Diatoms Open in a new windowLink Details
- Some quick facts about these organisms and a micrograph of a species of Actinoptychus.
- http://www.mbari.org/staff/conn/botany/phytoplankton/phytoplankton_diatoms.htm

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Diatoms Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research project by John Becker provides plenty of information on these organisms and a modest photograph gallery.
- http://www.mbari.org/staff/conn/botany/diatoms/john/index.htm

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Diatoms: Pseudo-nitzschia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research project by Jennifer Shin provides comprehensive information on this organism and diatoms in general.
- http://www.mbari.org/staff/conn/botany/diatoms/jennifer/indexa.htm

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Desmid Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information from Wikipedia on this order of green algae which have a variety of symmetric shapes which provide a basis for their classification.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desmid

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Chrysophyta Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information from MicrobWiki on this phylum of unicellular marine or freshwater protists, members of which include the diatoms (class Bacillariophyta), golden algae (class Chrysophyceae), and yellow-green algae (class Xanthophyceae).
- http://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Chrysophyta

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Phylum Chrysophyta Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides a list of all the species included in the orders Bacillariales, Biddulphiales, Coscinodiscales, Fragilariales and Rhizosoleniales.
- http://www.sms.si.edu/IRLSpec/Phyl_Chryso1.htm

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Synura uvella Open in a new windowLink Details
- Image of this species which forms small colonies.
- http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/micropolitan/index.html?http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/micropolitan/fresh/algae/frame4.html

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Photomicrography Three Open in a new windowLink Details
- Images of a number of protist algae species including Eudorina elegans, the spherical ball of Uroglena, a Desmid called Closterium, Spyrogyra, Spirulina and a Daphnia that has recently eaten algae.
- http://www.btinternet.com/~stephen.durr/photographthree.html

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Golden Algae Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information from Wikipedia on this large group of unicellular flagellate algae, the Chrysophytes, found mostly in fresh water.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysophyta

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Diatom Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information on this unicellular organism of the kingdom Protista characterized by a silica shell of often intricate and beautiful sculpturing.
- http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Diatoms

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Vaucheria in Connecticut Open in a new windowLink Details
- Researchers at Trinity College have been investigating the mud-stabilizing yellow-green alga Vaucheria in freshwater wetlands and salt-marshes for several years. Links also to other Vaucheria research.
- http://www.trincoll.edu/~cschneid/vaucheria.html

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Introduction to the Chrysophyta Open in a new windowLink Details
- Brief discussion of the group, also called golden algae, which is found in fresh water, particularly lakes. Includes information on some subgroups.
- http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/chromista/chrysophyta.html

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