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  Museums (4)

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Regular Websites in this category

Reading Railroad Museum Open in a new windowLink Details
- A non profit organization about trains and Railroads in Reading, Pennsylvania.
- http://www.readingrailroad.org/

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Historical Society of Berks County Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Society's 20,000 artifacts tell many stories behind the development of the county. Includes details of exhibits, hours, a calendar of events, admissions, memberships, and location.
- http://www.berkshistory.org/museum/

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Mid-Atlantic Air Museum Open in a new windowLink Details
- Collection includes award-winning warbirds, classic airliners, military and civilian aircraft, and historic exhibits. Includes hours, admission rates, events, membership details, gift shop information and directions.
- http://www.maam.org/

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Reading Public Museum Open in a new windowLink Details
- A museum, planetarium and park located in Berks County, Pennsylvania dedicated to preserving collections and displaying exhibits for the education and enrichment of all generations.
- http://www.readingpublicmuseum.org

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