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  Carpets (5)

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Mat Creations Ltd Open in a new windowLink Details
- Manufacturer and supplier of customised and design-printed mats and matting for commercial and industrial premises including safety, anti-slip and anti-fatigue mats.
- http://www.matcreations.co.uk

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Wilton Carpets Open in a new windowLink Details
- Manufacturer and retail of Wilton carpets. Company profile, products, and contacts.
- http://www.carpetweaver.co.uk/

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Cavalier Carpets Open in a new windowLink Details
- Profile, product range and list of retailers with detailed carpet information and employment opportunities.
- http://www.cavaliercarpets.co.uk/

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Entrance Matting Systems UK Open in a new windowLink Details
- Entrance matting and flooring systems manufacturers with 21st century design and construction available in a comprehensive range of colors.
- http://www.entrance-matting.com

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Matsdirect Open in a new windowLink Details
- A specialist entrance mat and rubber flooring product designer, supplier and manufacturer, based in the UK, exporting around the world. Includes illustrated product descriptions with technical data.
- http://www.matsdirect.co.uk

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