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  Pets (26)

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Fugley's Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- The homepage of Fugley, the daftest dog in England. Written in his own words and from his own perspective on this strange world.
- http://fugley.users.btopenworld.com/

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Moose the Chocolate Labrador Open in a new windowLink Details
- All about Moose, a young dog in Melbourne, Australia, who aims to establish the world's first CLOP (Chocolate Labrador Online Pack).
- http://www.moosethechocolatelabrador.com/

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Riley and Casey Open in a new windowLink Details
- Pictures and updates on their obedience shows.
- http://www.randy-wilson.com/

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Quoth the Raven - a life of dog Open in a new windowLink Details
- A black dog in Scotland. News, photographs, links, and updates on Raven and his friends.
- http://www.ravenwulf.bravehost.com/index.html

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Astrochoc Open in a new windowLink Details
- Photographs of their chocolate dogs, coat colour genetics explained, and how to find a puppy.
- http://users.tpg.com.au/choclab/index.html

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Rudy's Labrador Retriever Site Open in a new windowLink Details
- A seven year old frisbee-loving certified therapy dog. Pictures of his puppies, history, video, and action pictures.
- http://frisbeelab.com

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Rosa the dog Open in a new windowLink Details
- A loveable, sweet Labrador Golden Retriever who gets lots of attention for being so cute. She was born in 2001, so she is young and playful.
- http://pages.eidosnet.co.uk/~dimitra/

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Rosie's Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- Rosie is a fox-red dog who gets in the way. Photographs, things she has been called, things she has eaten or chewed, and stories.
- http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/d/m/dmm104/ROSIE/rose.html

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Amy and Sierra Open in a new windowLink Details
- Pedigrees and pictures of two black dogs and their family.
- http://www.angelasutton.com/

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Black Labrador Tess Open in a new windowLink Details
- Pictures, stories, and pedigree of a little black dog in Renfrewshire, Scotland.
- http://www.btinternet.com/~elinjons/tess/

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Cracker Open in a new windowLink Details
- Many pictures and news of a yellow dog in Holland.
- http://www.wols.net/crackere.htm

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Jake Open in a new windowLink Details
- A rescued dog who now lives in a conservation forest where black bears play in his yard. Photographs and news.
- http://pages.prodigy.net/chuckberk/pet/jake.html

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Mediapup Open in a new windowLink Details
- Dog lovers unite for fun. Working dog takes on a whole new meaning with Dutch the Labrador.
- http://www.mediapup.com

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The Pink Nose Club Open in a new windowLink Details
- A pigmentation phenomenon which occurs in Yellow Labs, usually when the cold weather; see a gallery of pets with this nose.
- http://www.imaginationshoppe.com/pinknoseclub

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