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SCO's Second Amendment Rebuffs Novell Unix Claim Open in a new windowLink Details
- Army of paper shufflers working at SCO manages to unearth 1996 amendment potent enough to block some Novell Unix claims. SCO says amendment confirms Unix copyrights were safely secured. [The Register]
- http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/06/06/scos_second_amendment_rebuffs_novell/

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Novell Torpedoes SCO's Unix IP Claim Open in a new windowLink Details
- Novell has rebuffed SCO's claim to hold Unix copyrights and patents, claiming to hold them, and discloses SCO has been begging Novell for rights to IP that SCO claims it already has. [The Register]
- http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/05/28/novell_torpedoes_scos_unix_ip/

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Scoring SCO's Legal Games Open in a new windowLink Details
- Critiques Novell history, praises SuSE buy, considers potential of SCO suit against Novell, praises Groklaw website for legal analysis. [ZDNet CNET News.com]
- http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9595_22-5110838.html

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The Novell Letters Open in a new windowLink Details
- Text of Exhibits K and L from IBM amended agreements with AT&T for Unix. They are referenced in digital documents but not seen on websites, because they are paper documents filed with court, not in the digital records. [Groklaw]
- http://radio.weblogs.com/0120124/2003/08/08.html

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Contract Illuminates Novell-SCO Spat Open in a new windowLink Details
- A 1995 contract sheds light on conflicting Unix ownership claims by Novell and SCO, SCO gets broad rights to Unix, but Novell keeps copyrights, patents. Agreement called murky. [CNET News.com]
- http://news.com.com/2100-1016_3-1013229.html

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A Couple of SCO Amusements Open in a new windowLink Details
- SCO claims to own Unix, but their annual report says SCO acts as administrative agent for Novell in collecting royalties. With forum comments. [LWN: Linux Weekly News]
- http://lwn.net/Articles/33975/

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Analysis: Novell Tries to Torpedo SCO Unix IP Claims Open in a new windowLink Details
- Novell upstages SCO earnings report. Another chapter in long ongoing saga between the 2 firms; how SCO and Novell came to be at odds over Linux; industry analysts give views on SCO v. Linux. [LinuxPlanet]
- http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/4818/1/

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CBS.MarketWatch: Novell Challenges SCO's Unix Claims Open in a new windowLink Details
- Quotes from article by SCO CEO threatening SCO may sue Linus Torvalds for patent infringement unless more firms start licensing SCO property; forum comments. [Linux Today]
- http://linuxtoday.com/developer/2003052901326NWKNLL

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SCO Responds to Novell Claims Open in a new windowLink Details
- Press Release: SCO owns the contract rights to the Unix OS. SCO has the contractual right to prevent improper donations of Unix code, methods or concepts into Linux by any Unix vendor. With forum comments. [Linux Today]
- http://linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2003052801226OSBZLL

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Novell Will Challenge SCO over Unix Ownership Open in a new windowLink Details
- Wall Street Journal reports today: Novell claims it owns rights to Unix OS; may cause problems in SCO lawsuit against IBM and Linux community. Novell is ally of open source community. [The Inquirer]
- http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=9719

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Novell Accuses SCO of Extorting Money from Linux Community Open in a new windowLink Details
- SCO issued dual challenge by Novell today over who owns Unix System V and its intellectual property rights claims, confirming earlier Wall Street Journal story. [The Inquirer]
- http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=9724

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Novell Challenges SCO's Unix Claims Open in a new windowLink Details
- As pressure mounts against SCO and its crusade to protect what it sees as its intellectual property, Novell, which once owned Unix rights, publicly challenged SCO assertions that it owns Unix System V copyrights, patents. [eWeek]
- http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,1110553,00.asp

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Novell Challenges SCO Position, Reiterates Support for Linux Open in a new windowLink Details
- Press Release: Defending its interests in developing services to run on Linux, Novell issues dual challenge to SCO on recent claims of Unix ownership and possible intellectual property rights claims for Linux. [Novell]
- http://www.novell.com/news/press/archive/2003/05/pr03033.html

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Novell Douses Smoking Gun against SCO Open in a new windowLink Details
- Some open-source community members thought they had a smoking gun against SCO and claims to own intellectual property rights to Unix OS, but Novell on Thursday poured cold water on that. [eWeek]
- http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,1112253,00.asp

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SCO Says Clause Bolsters Linux Claim Open in a new windowLink Details
- Found contract clause may aid potential legal claims against Linux users; SCO said 1996 amendment to contract by which Novell sold many of its Unix assets appears to give SCO claim to some Unix copyrights. [CNET News.com]
- http://news.com.com/2100-1016_3-1013865.html

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SCO: Unix is Ours Open in a new windowLink Details
- SCO announces all rights to Unix, UnixWare technology, including copyrights, were transferred to SCO, re-threatens to terminate AIX on 16 June. Novell still claims to own Unix patents. With forum comments. [Linux Today]
- http://linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2003060601826NWLL

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SCO Presents 'Proof' of Unix Copyright Claims Open in a new windowLink Details
- SCO again reiterated it is sole rightful owner of Unix System V source code, all related copyrights. Copyright transfer issue is clarified in Amendment 2 to asset purchase agreement between SCO and Novell, October 1996. [eWeek]
- http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,1119770,00.asp

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