VB.NET Links from around the world - Site offers links from other VB.NET on all aspects of VB.NET. VB.NET Windows Form, controls, scripts, AJAX framework, XML,RSS, Multimedia, database handling links. - http://vbnet.redirect.com.au
VBWM Resources Page - A directory of links to tutorals, articles, controls, and books. - http://www.vbwm.com/pagestore/resources.asp?psID=747&d=1
Free Programming Resources - Links to web sites offering article, tools, and code samples. - http://www.freeprogrammingresources.com/visual-basic-net.html
Cetus Links: .NET - The .Net section of Cetus Links, the largest objects and components directory. - http://www.cetus-links.org/oo_dotnet.html