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  Research Groups (26)

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UC Davis Center for Neuroscience Open in a new windowLink Details
- Group working on coding strategies of the visual system for object recognition and scene analysis.
- http://neuroscience.ucdavis.edu/

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IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Open in a new windowLink Details
- Brings together the community of scientists and engineers in the field of neural networks and connectionist systems. Includes mission statement, activities, publications and contact information.
- http://www.ieee-cis.org/

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Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence Open in a new windowLink Details
- Theory and methodology of neural networks; medical applications; industrial applications; neural network simulation tools; and connectionism and cognitive modeling.
- http://www.ofai.at/

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Image Processing and Neural Networks Lab at the University of Texas at Arlington Open in a new windowLink Details
- Developing theory, algorithms, and software for neural network regression and classification.
- http://www-ee.uta.edu/eeweb/ip/

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Machine Learning and Neural Networks Group. University of Florence, Italy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Learning about sequential and structured data, bioinformatics, document processing, natural language processing, pattern recognition.
- http://www.dsi.unifi.it/neural/

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Kawato Dynamic Brain Project - ATR Japan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Mechanisms of human cognition and sensory-motor learning.
- http://www.jst.go.jp/erato/project/kgd_P/kgd_P.html

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IEEE Neural Network Council Open in a new windowLink Details
- Maintains geographically organized list of Neural Computing research programs worldwide.
- http://www.ieee-nns.org/

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Center for Spoken Language Understanding at OGI Open in a new windowLink Details
- Group developing nonlinear estimation approaches which rapidly adapt on-line to speaker variations and changing noise sources.
- http://cslu.cse.ogi.edu/nsel/

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Machine Learning - University of Toronto Open in a new windowLink Details
- Machine learning, statistical pattern recognition, probabilistic planning, adaptive systems.
- http://learning.cs.utoronto.ca

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Institute for Neural Computation at the University of California, San Diego Open in a new windowLink Details
- Devoted to research and development addressing the challenges of understanding how humans function at the neural and cognitive levels, and solving major technological problems related to neural network implementations.
- http://www.inc.salk.edu/

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Goodman Brain Computation Lab - University of Nevada Open in a new windowLink Details
- To understand memory, learning and cognition through experiments and computational models, and to apply this knowledge to create brain-like artificial intelligence and neural prosthetic devices.
- http://brain.cs.unr.edu

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Center for Neural Engineering - University of Southern California Open in a new windowLink Details
- Inter-disciplinary research in engineering, neuroscience and medicine.
- http://www.usc.edu/dept/engineering/CNE

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Laboratory for Artificial Neural Systems at the University of Texas at Austin. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Primarily concerned with analyzing data in various forms - web logs, hypertext, XML, databases, signals and images
- http://www.lans.ece.utexas.edu/

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NeuroTeam - University of Tübingen Open in a new windowLink Details
- Neural networks for biomedical applications, sensory analysis, quality control and signal processing.
- http://www.neuroteam.de/e_index.html

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Digital Signal Processing Group - University of València - Estudi General Open in a new windowLink Details
- Digital signal processing and applications to Biomedical Engineering and Industrial Systems.
- http://gpds.uv.es

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Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory - Iowa State University Open in a new windowLink Details
- Neural Computing, hybrid systems, cognitive modelling, intelligent agents, distributed intelligence.
- http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/aigroup.html

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Cavendish Laboratory Inference group - University of Cambridge Open in a new windowLink Details
- David MacKay's group working on machine learning, information theory, neural networks and Bayesian inference.
- http://wol.ra.phy.cam.ac.uk/is/Welcome.html

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Seung Lab for Theoretical Neuroscience - MIT Open in a new windowLink Details
- Mathematical theories of the mind, learning and memory in biological and artificial neural networks.
- http://hebb.mit.edu/

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Computational Intelligence and Technology Laboratory - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Open in a new windowLink Details
- Fundamental issues and applications of artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems and hybrid computational intelligence systems.
- http://litc.cpdee.ufmg.br/

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Computation and Neural Systems - Caltech Open in a new windowLink Details
- Studies computations in neural systems, ranging from biological systems, to theoretical models and VLSI applications.
- http://www.cns.caltech.edu/

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Neural Networks Research Centre - Helsinki University of Technology Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research in artificial neural networks, pattern recognition and signal processing.
- http://www.cis.hut.fi/

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Institut fur Neuroinformatik - Ruhr-Universat Bochum Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research in systems biophysics, theoretical biology and complex systems.
- http://www.neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/

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Neural Computing Research Group - Aston University Open in a new windowLink Details
- The theory and applications of neural networks and related techniques.
- http://www.ncrg.aston.ac.uk/

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Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit - University College London Open in a new windowLink Details
- Studies neural computational theories of perception and action, with an emphasis on learning. Directed by Geoffrey Hinton.
- http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk

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Departmant of Cognitive and Neural Systems and Center for Adaptive Systems - Boston University Open in a new windowLink Details
- Neural and computational principles underlying human and animal behaviour; computational neuroscience, cognitive science and adaptive systems.
- http://cns-web.bu.edu/

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Centre for Neural Networks - King's College London Open in a new windowLink Details
- An inter-departmental center at King's College London coordinating research and teaching in neural networks. Part of NEuroNet.
- http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/cnn/

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