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  Research Groups (42)

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IDIAP Machine Learning Group Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on Support Vector Machines, Hidden Markov Models, fusion of generative and discriminative approaches, logical data analysis, large scale data analysis. Martigny, Switzerland.
- http://www.idiap.ch/machine-learning.php

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Computational Learning - Royal Holloway, University of London Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on machine learning theory, kernel methods for text analysis, support vector machines, kernel theory.
- http://www.clrc.rhul.ac.uk

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Institute for Process Control and Robotics - University of Karlsruhe (Germany) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on Machine Learning in Robotics, Factory Automation, and Assistance Systems.
- http://wwwipr.ira.uka.de

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Columbia University Center for Computational Learning Systems (CCLS) Open in a new windowLink Details
- CCLS investigates machine learning and data mining and their application to natural language understanding, the World Wide Web, bioinformatics, systems security and other emerging areas.
- http://www.ccls.columbia.edu/

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GSIC Open in a new windowLink Details
- a group of researchers interested in artificial intelligence, computer supported collaborative learning and grid computing
- http://ulises.tel.uva.es

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AICML - Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning Open in a new windowLink Details
- An internationally recognized node of machine learning researchers at the University of Alberta
- http://www.aicml.ca

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Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory - GMU Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on Theories of Learning, Inference, and Discovery Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, User Modeling and Intrusion Detection, Non-Darwinian Evolutionary Computation, Machine Vision through Learning, Education.
- http://www.mli.gmu.edu/

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Probabilistic and Statistical Inference - University of Toronto Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on computational machine learning tools and theoretical frameworks with applications in computational molecular biology, computer vision, sensory processing, and iterative decoding.
- http://www.psi.toronto.edu/

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Computational Intelligence Group - University of Bristol Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on kernel methods, support vector machines, neural networks, machine vision, bioinformatics, computational learning theory.
- http://www.enm.bris.ac.uk/ai/

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Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning (AICML) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Promotes curiosity-driven Machine Learning research, and leading edge scientific and commercial applications in the bioinformatics and interactive entertainment industries.
- http://www.aicml.cs.ualberta.ca/index.php

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Soft Computing in Machine Learning Open in a new windowLink Details
- Applications of soft computing (fuzzy systems, neural networks, and genetic algorithms) in machine learning. Manuscripts and MATLAB codes related to fuzzy clustering and classification, and visualization and analysis of high-dimensional data.
- http://www.fmt.vein.hu/softcomp

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Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery Open in a new windowLink Details
- Pursues research on algorithms and software tools for gleaning knowledge from data and their applications in Bioinformatics, Security Informatics, Medical Informatics, Geoinformatics, Chemical Informatics, Semantic Web, e-Government, e-Enterprises, e-Comm
- http://www.cild.iastate.edu

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The NeuroCOLT Project Open in a new windowLink Details
- ESPRIT working group on Neural and Computational Learning Theory. Partners, projects, publications archive.
- http://www.neurocolt.org/

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Machine Learning at UC Santa Cruz Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on decision theory, neural networks, computational biology, computational geometry, theoretical computer science, on-line learning algorithms, computational learning theory, reinforcement learning.
- http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/programs/cs/graduate/research.html#ai

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Intelligent Systems, University College London Open in a new windowLink Details
- Focuses on theory of logic and learning, and applied intelligent systems. Methodolgies range from traditional knowledge-based systems and neural networks to machine learning, agents, and evolutionary computation.
- http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/intelligent_systems/

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Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP) Lab, Michigan State University Open in a new windowLink Details
- Develops algorithms and representations for efficient pattern matching. Applications include face recognition, fingerprint identification, image analysis, 3-D model construction and visualization, and robot navigation.
- http://www.cse.msu.edu/rgroups/prip/

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Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tutorials, software, online books and articles on forecasting and systems modeling, optimization in expert systems, pattern recognition, data mining and knowledge discovery, from a research group at the Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics.
- http://www.gmdh.net/index.html

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Freiburg Recognition of ON-line HANDwriting (Frog On Hand) Open in a new windowLink Details
- An on-line handwriting recognition engine based upon statistical dynamic time warping (SDTW) and support vector machines with a Gaussian DTW kernel (SVM-GDTW).
- http://lmb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/people/bahlmann/frog.en.html

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Bioinformatics and Learning Metrics group - Helsinki University of Technology Open in a new windowLink Details
- Analysis of functional genomics data, Construction of data-dependent metrics for focusing data analysis on relevant or important aspects of the data.
- http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/mi/

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Computational Biology Group - University of Wales Open in a new windowLink Details
- Techniques include inductive logic programming, model based reasoning, evolutionary computing, neural networks, multivariate statistics. Applications to drig design, protein secondary structure prediction, functional genomics, etc.
- http://www.aber.ac.uk/~dcswww/Research/bio/

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Automated Learning Group - NASA Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research projects on collective intelligence, surface modeling, autoclass, Bayesian search.
- http://ic-www.arc.nasa.gov/ic/projects/bayes-group/index.html

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Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning Group - University of Ottawa Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research projects mainly focused on text: Intelligent Information Access, Text Summarization, Text Analysis for Knowledge Acquisition.
- http://www.csi.uottawa.ca/dept/kaml/KAML.html

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Machine Learning Group - University of Bristol Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on higher-order concept learning, inductive logic programming, multi-agent learning systems, integration of prior knowledge, induction and deduction, incremental learning, hybrid symbolic/connectionist approaches, evolutionary strategies.
- http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/Research/MachineLearning/

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Machine Learning at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research in Data mining, Inductive Logic Programming, Learning In Agents.
- http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~ml/

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Center for Automated Learning and Discovery - CMU Open in a new windowLink Details
- Large group with projects in robot learning, data mining for manufacturing and in multimedia databases, causal inference, and disclosure limitation.
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cald/

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Machine Learning Group - Stockholm University Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on inductive logic programming for natural language processing and for knowledge discovery in databases.
- http://www.dsv.su.se/ML/

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Knowledge Acquisition & Machine Learning Lab - University of Bari Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on symbolic and numerical approaches to machine learning, first order logic, intelligent document processing, spatial data mining, human-computer interaction.
- http://lacam.di.uniba.it:8000

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Robot Learning Laboratory - CMU Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on Localization and Mapping, Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Robot Architectures and Programming Languages, Learning Algorithms.
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/Web/People/Xavier/lab.html

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Machine Learning Laboratory - UMass Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on Neural Networks and Decision Trees.
- http://www.cs.umass.edu/~lrn/

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LISA - Adaptive Computer Systems Laboratory - Université de Montréal Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on modeling high-dimensional data, learning hyper-parameters, boosting of neural networks, Markovian models, data mining, and other areas related to neural networks.
- http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~lisa/

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The Auton Project Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on Data Mining, Active Learning & Exploration, Reinforcement Learning for Decision and Control.
- http://www.autonlab.org/

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Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit - University College London Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on neural computational theories of perception and action, with an emphasis on learning.
- http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/

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Machine Learning Lab - The Hebrew University Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research projects on learning in human-machine interaction, natural language interface to the WWW, statistical analysis of neurophysiological data, self-organization of proteins, nonlinear acoustic signal processing.
- http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/labs/learning/lab_page.html

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Machine Learning and Genetic Algorithms group - University of Turin Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on learning first-order classification rules, first-order concept descriptions, genetic algorithms, neural networks, computational learning theory.
- http://www.di.unito.it/~mluser/

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Machine Learning Research Group - UW-Madison Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on information retrieval and extraction, bioinformatics, connectionist models, hybrid systems.
- http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~shavlik/uwml.html

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Learning Lab at CMU, School of Computer Science Open in a new windowLink Details
- Software systems that learn user preferences, Robot learning, text learning, generic learning methods.
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/theo-5/www/learning.html

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Machine Learning Research Group - UTCS Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on General Inductive Learning, Inductive Logic Programming, Natural Language Learning, Qualitative Modeling & Diagnosis, Learning for Planning and Problem Solving. Recommender Systems and Text Categorization Student Modeling for Intelligent
- http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/ml/

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Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Lab - Freiburg (Germany) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on Data Mining, Machine Learning,Inductive Logic Programming, Relational Learning, Machine Learning for Bioinformatics.
- http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~ml/

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Machine learning and Neural Networks group - Universities of Florence, Pisa, and Siena Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research on adaptive processing of data structures, document analysis and technologies, natural language, machine learning for the web, visual databases, biochemistry and bioinformatics.
- http://www.dsi.unifi.it/neural

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Cognitive Computation Group at UIUC Open in a new windowLink Details
- Developing theories and systems pertaining to intelligent behavior using a unified methodology. At the heart of the approach is the idea that learning has a central role in intelligence.
- http://l2r.cs.uiuc.edu/~cogcomp/

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Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory - Iowa State University Open in a new windowLink Details
- Research related to machine learning includes neural networks, automata induction, computational learning theory, data mining, knowledge discovery, bioinformatics.
- http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/aigroup.html

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Machine Learning Group - University of Waikato Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers WEKA, a comprehensive, open-source (GPL) machine learning and data mining toolkit in Java with classification, regression, clustering, and association rules. Command-line and GUI interfaces.
- http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml

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