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  Washington (14)

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Regular Websites in this category

Sultana Dancers Open in a new windowLink Details
- Belly dance troupe in southeastern Washington state under the direction of Laurie Nearing; offers classes, workshops and performances featuring live drumming.
- http://www.sultanadancers.com

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Saqra Open in a new windowLink Details
- Saqra from Vancouver, Washington. Classes, tips, videos and events.
- http://www.saqra.net/

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Life Arts Open in a new windowLink Details
- Erna "Hoakalei" Woo, in Bellingham, Washington, provides classes and workshops in Middle Eastern and Hawaiian dance. Includes schedule of events and contact information.
- http://www.ernawoo.com

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Hasani's Online Hotline Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features Hasani and friends. Schedule for upcoming dance events in the Pacific Northwest.
- http://www.hasani.net

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Delilah Open in a new windowLink Details
- Belly dance performer and instructor in Seattle, Washington. Includes her videos and DVDs, calendar of events, retreats in Hawaii, news, articles and galleries of photos, video and sound;
- http://www.visionarydance.com/

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Alexandra Open in a new windowLink Details
- Belly dancer and instructor in Kirkland and Seattle, Washington for beginning through advanced levels. Includes instructional videos, CDs, testimonials and class schedule.
- http://iteachbellydance.com

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