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Chicago Sun-Times Open in a new windowLink Details
- "They look as feminine as the sailors wearing coconut brassieres in "South Pacific." By Roger Ebert [Chicago Sun Times].
- http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20020322/REVIEWS/203220305/1023

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Moving Pictures Open in a new windowLink Details
- "The trailers showed many funny moments, but there are plenty more that they didn't show."
- http://www.cin3ma.tv/moving_pictures/reviews/s/sorority_boys.shtml

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AHAfilm Open in a new windowLink Details
- "In a dramatic turn, Brutus sat on a bed with an actor and listened intently as the actor poured his heart out to the caring dog."
- http://www.ahafilm.info/movies/moviereviews.phtml?fid=7383

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TheWorldJournal.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- "Toilet humour has always been the easiest method of acquiring laughs."
- http://www.theworldjournal.com/special/movies/2002/sororityboys.htm

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Metacritic: Sorority Boys Open in a new windowLink Details
- Quotes from and links to reviews of the film, with an overall score.
- http://www.metacritic.com/film/titles/sororityboys

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HARO Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- "Dave, Adam and Doofer, rechristened as Daisy, Adina, and Roberta, get to experience first hand what it feels like to be treated like crap. Guess what? They don't like it."
- http://www.haro-online.com/movies/sorority_boys.html

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DVDwolf Open in a new windowLink Details
- "Personally I think it's a limited gag that tires very quickly...but the audience I saw it with, surprisingly made up mostly of women, were howling at these gags! So, again, what do I know?"
- http://www.dvdwolf.com/Reviews/S/Sorority_Boys.htm

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All-Reviews.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- "Along with sex jokes and drug jokes, the humor pivots on cross-dressing dilemmas: stuffing bras, teetering in high heels and applying cosmetics."
- http://www.all-reviews.com/videos-4/sorority-boys.htm

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