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Deborah Tainsh's Heart of a Hawk, Eye of the Eagle

  Link Details for: Deborah Tainsh's Heart of a Hawk, Eye of the Eagle
Link Title: Deborah Tainsh's Heart of a Hawk, Eye of the Eagle Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.elvaresa.com/tainsh.html
Link Details: This website is for Deborah Tainsh's book "Heart of a Hawk, Eye of the Eagle". Deborah's step son, Patrick Tainsh was killed in Irag in February of 2004. The book is the story of one family's life, sacrifice and journey toward healing.
Category: Top : Health : Mental_Health : Grief,_Loss_and_Bereavement : Personal_Pages
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Deborah Tainsh's Heart of a Hawk, Eye of the Eagle