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PenguinBackup: PalmPilot single-floppy backup system

  Link Details for: PenguinBackup: PalmPilot single-floppy backup system
Link Title: PenguinBackup: PalmPilot single-floppy backup system Open in a new window
Link URL: http://penguinbackup.sourceforge.net/
Link Details: Emergency backup system for if one has only a Pilot and must do a full restore after a hard reset: one bootable 3.5" floppy disk with full OS, utilities, communication software for all kinds of Pilots (OS 1.x - 3.x), nice easy-to-use menu system.
Category: Top : Computers : Software : Operating_Systems : Linux : Distributions : Tiny : Rescue_and_Recovery
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PenguinBackup: PalmPilot single-floppy backup system