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Boston Herald - Beauty and the Spaz: Hicks vs. McPhee

  Link Details for: Boston Herald - Beauty and the Spaz: Hicks vs. McPhee
Link Title: Boston Herald - Beauty and the Spaz: Hicks vs. McPhee Open in a new window
Link URL: http://theedge.bostonherald.com/tvNews/view.bg?articleid=139845
Link Details: Columnist Mark Perigard says the gray-haired spaz is going to break Katharine McPhee into little plastic pieces and drag her Barbie head all over the stage.
Category: Top : Arts : Television : Programs : Reality-Based : Talent_Shows : American_Idol_Series : American_Idol_-_Season_5
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Boston Herald - Beauty and the Spaz: Hicks vs. McPhee