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The Birth of the Machine: Raymundus Lullus and His Invention

  Link Details for: The Birth of the Machine: Raymundus Lullus and His Invention
Link Title: The Birth of the Machine: Raymundus Lullus and His Invention Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.c3.hu/scca/butterfly/Kunzel/synopsis.html
Link Details: Synopsis of an address by Werner Künzel, in which he discusses Lullus's logic machine, its use and abuse by Athanasius Kircher, and its influence on Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
Category: Top : Society : Religion_and_Spirituality : Christianity : Denominations : Catholicism : Saints : R : Blessed_Ramon_Llull
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The Birth of the Machine: Raymundus Lullus and His Invention