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Masculinities and violence in the Dominican Republic - José Tavarez 1 2 2002

  Link Details for: Masculinities and violence in the Dominican Republic - José Tavarez 1 2 2002
Link Title: Masculinities and violence in the Dominican Republic - José Tavarez 1 2 2002 Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.ciir.org/ciir.asp?section=news&page=story&ID=366
Link Details: A summary of a talk given by José Tavarez at the conference Men Aren't From Mars: Masculinities and Non-Violence in Latin American and the Caribbean, held in London in October 2001.
Category: Top : Society : Issues : Violence_and_Abuse : Family_Violence : Offender_Treatment
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Masculinities and violence in the Dominican Republic - José Tavarez                                                 1 2 2002