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Speer Gold Dot Ammunition, Ordnance Gelatin Calibration, Anatomically Correct Targets

  Link Details for: Speer Gold Dot Ammunition, Ordnance Gelatin Calibration, Anatomically Correct Targets
Link Title: Speer Gold Dot Ammunition, Ordnance Gelatin Calibration, Anatomically Correct Targets Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.firearmstactical.com/briefs9.htm
Link Details: The IWBA Handgun Ammunition Specification involves two test events: 1) bare gelatin, and 2) gelatin covered by four layers of 16 ounce denim cloth.
Category: Top : Shopping : Recreation : Guns : Ammunition
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Speer Gold Dot Ammunition, Ordnance Gelatin Calibration, Anatomically Correct Targets