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An Extensive Middle Palaeolithic Quarry Landscape in the Kaladgi Basin

  Link Details for: An Extensive Middle Palaeolithic Quarry Landscape in the Kaladgi Basin
Link Title: An Extensive Middle Palaeolithic Quarry Landscape in the Kaladgi Basin Open in a new window
Link URL: http://antiquity.ac.uk/ProjGall/Petraglia/Petraglia.html
Link Details: The Kaladgi Basin is a well-known region of southern India as the area has been subject to archaeological surveys from the 1960s to the 1980s. Survey has resulted in the identification of 191 Middle Palaeolithic localities along the margins of the Malapra
Category: Top : Science : Social_Sciences : Archaeology : Regional : Asia : India
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An Extensive Middle Palaeolithic Quarry Landscape in the Kaladgi Basin