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CTV.ca: Vendetta's V: Villain or Vindicating Vigilante?

  Link Details for: CTV.ca: Vendetta's V: Villain or Vindicating Vigilante?
Link Title: CTV.ca: Vendetta's V: Villain or Vindicating Vigilante? Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060315/v_for_vendetta_060315/20060317/
Link Details: While some will consider this film as nothing more than entertaining science fiction, others will see it as a social critique of the direction today's policy makers are heading. By Kristen Brown.
Category: Top : Arts : Movies : Titles : V : V_for_Vendetta : Articles_and_Interviews
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CTV.ca:  Vendetta's V: Villain or Vindicating Vigilante?