Drummond Athletic - Fixtures, results, tables, photographs and a hall of fame. - http://mark.ajenkins.users.btopenworld.com/
Parkhurst Rangers FC - News, results, squad details, and statistics. - http://www.webteams.co.uk/home.asp?team=parkhurstrangersfc
Wickham Wanderers - Results, fixtures, tables and statistics. - http://www.webteams.co.uk/home.asp?team=wickhamwanderersfc
Beaverwood FC - News, results, fixtures, squad details, photographs and club information. - http://www.beaverwoodfc.myby.co.uk/
South London Football Alliance - Fixtures, results, tables, member clubs, and contact details. - http://www.football.mitoo.co.uk/News.cfm?LeagueCode=SLFA2006