Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
- Advocates for greater diversity in the press, and scrutinizes media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints.
- http://www.fair.org/
Times Watch - Aims at documenting any liberal bias in the coverage of the New York Times. Calls on paper's management to enshrine balanced reporting, or risk forfeiting the Times' standing as the “newspaper of record.” - http://www.timeswatch.org/
Skin Fox - Critical of Fox News as broadcasting conservative propaganda disguised as unbiased news. Advocates a boycott of their advertisers. - http://www.skinfox.org/
The Consortium for Independent Journalism - Money, Media & the Mess in America - Editorial stating that sometime after 2009, when historians pick through the wreckage left behind by George W. Bush’s administration, they will have to come to grips with the role played by the professional conservative media infrastructure. - http://www.consortiumnews.com/2005/012805.html
Counterbias - Examines right wing bias in the media. - http://www.counterbias.com/
Fear and Favor in the Newsroom - Documentary video about bias and self censorship by media. Narrated by Studs Terkel. - http://www.fearandfavor.com/
TV News Lies - How the media has helped politicians and the US government lie about every issue from Iraq to AIDS funding. Editorials and a call to action. - http://www.tvnewslies.org/
Stop Sinclair - Aims to halt the Sinclair Broadcast Group from forcing all its affiliates to preempt regular network broadcasts to air an anti-Kerry documentary just before the 2004 election. - http://www.stopsinclair.org/
Rathergate.com - Blog examining liberal bias in the media. - http://www.rathergate.com/
The Non-rational Citizen - Author posits people are brainwashed by the mainstream media. Includes additional articles on politics in Canada and some on the US. - http://www.canadiancontent.net/commtr/article_708.html
News Bias Explored - Analyzes what news bias is and how it manifests through real examples and interactive activities. Includes some teaching resources. - http://www.umich.edu/~newsbias/
What Liberal Media? - Provides overview and introduction to the book, fact checking right wing polemics, reviews, and activities of the author. - http://www.whatliberalmedia.com/
Mainstream Press Misdeeds - Judi Bari's refutation of mainstream press distorting information about Earth First and other activist groups is laid out at the bottom of this editorial page by Jeff Elliott. - http://www.monitor.net/monitor/editorials/ed-bari.html
Darker Alliances - Web editorial on the San Jose Mercury News and what constitutes fair reporting. - http://www.monitor.net/monitor/editorials/ed-alliance.html
Media Review Network - Aims to dispel myths and stereotypes about Islam and Muslims and to foster bridges of understanding. Its goal is to monitor, analyse, dissect and evaluate distortions fabrications and double standards about Muslims in the mass media in South Africa. It al - http://www.mediareviewnet.com/
Media Lens - Focuses most of its attention on the UK 'liberal' media, contending that, despite its leftist appearance, the scope and depth of its coverage are circumscribed by commercial considerations. - http://www.medialens.org/
BBC Bias - Selection of links alleging BBC-Labour bias. - http://www.labour-watch.com/bbcbias.htm
CBS's Goldberg Exposes Leftist Media Bias - A conservative's article discussing ex-CBS reporter Bernard Goldberg's new book "Bias" alleging heavily leftist bias in the media. - http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2001/12/3/215106.shtml
Project Censored - Explores and publicize the extent of censorship in society by locating stories about significant issues which are rarely aired in mainstream media. - http://projectcensored.org/
Citizens Coalition for Responsible Media - Conservative group dedicated to studying and fighting media bias. Site includes regular features, topical studies, resources for research, and links to similar organizations. - http://www.fairpress.org/
Media Research Center - Conservative group founded to balance alleged liberal bias in the media. - http://www.mediaresearch.org/