Daramaras & Co. Ltd. - Specialized in the production of blasting cleaning abrasives grit used for surface preparation. Based in Larymna, Greece. - http://www.daramaras.gr/
Eurogrit Abrasives - Manufacturer and exporter of a wide range of blast cleaning abrasives for surface preparation of steel, stone and concrete surfaces. - http://www.eurogrit.com
BC Abrasives Ltd. - Suppliers of blast cleaning materials including glass, metal and oxide grits. - http://www.bcabrasives.co.uk/
Ervin Industries Inc. - Producer of cast steel shot and grit abrasives. Includes information on testing and technical specifications. - http://www.ervinindustries.com/
Inner Mongolia XL Abrasives Processing - Manufacturer and exporter of industrial garnet abrasives for water jet cutting, sandblasting, polishing and grinding. - http://www.xlgarnet.com/
Zhongjing Electron Technology Ltd. - Produces platelet calcined alumina powder and alumina-zirconium silicate powder. - http://www.zjtch.com/
Graystar LLC. - Supplier of abrasive grains and powders used for metal finishing, grinding and polishing. - http://www.graystarllc.com/
Metabrasives Ltd. - UK based manufacturers and world wide suppliers of high performance metallic abrasives. Includes technical selection criteria for choosing abrasives. - http://www.metabrasive.com/
Industrial Supply - Offers very fine aluminum oxide crystals for the dermabrasion industry. Also provides other types of industrial sandblasting abrasives. - http://www.aaa-industrialsupply.com/
Walter International - Manufactures wide range of abrasives, chemical agents, power tools, and tooling for metal fabrication industry. Emphasis is on grinding, cleaning, finishing, and polishing applications. - http://www.walter.com/
Europolish - Italian producer of solid and liquid abrasive compounds for polishing and buffing, and the equipment used for surface finishing. - http://www.europolish.com/
Kleen Blast Abrasives - Produces an environmentally safe non-silica sandblasting abrasive product used to re-surface materials before painting. Has facilities in all west coast states. - http://www.kleenblast.com/
Fox Industries - Manufactures grinding media including steel balls and beads made of zirconium silicate or glass. - http://www.foxindustries.com/
Browns Hill Sand - Provides a variety of abrasive sands, organic grits and metal oxides. - http://www.brownshillsand.com/
Baikowski - Manufacturer of ultrapure calcined alumina, fused alumina grain and other oxide powders for precision polishing, micro abrasion, technical ceramics, and additives for abrasion resistance properties. - http://www.baikowski.com/
Adm Envirostrip - Produces a polymer abrasive blast media made from wheat starch and corn to remove tough coatings from sensitive surfaces especially in aerospace applications. - http://www.envirostrip.com/