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World Events Forum, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- An international consulting company specializing in meeting management and event production. Chicago, IL.
- http://www.worldeventsforum.com

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Universal Odyssey, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Full service corporate meeting, convention and incentive travel management company. Newport Beach, CA.
- http://www.universalodyssey.com/

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Yapor Corporation Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides corporate and private event planning and management services. Florida.
- http://www.yapor.com/

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The Tuller Group Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing professional meeting/planning, weddings, event production and management. Cumberland, Maine.
- http://www.thetullergroup.com/

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Tours and Events Consulting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Event planning and management, with major entertainment for events. US based.
- http://www.tours-events.com/

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SignUp4 Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering outsourced online registration and payment services for conferences or events. Atlanta, GA.
- http://www.signupfor.com/

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Sandler Productions, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- A full service destination management and special event company providing creative theme parties, trade shows, customized group tours, hotel negotiations, transportation, entertainment, site selection and decor. Dallas, Texas.
- http://www.sandlerproductions.com/

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The Proper Solution, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- A full-service event planning agency that specializes in educational and corporate meetings and events. Boston, MA.
- http://www.propersolution.com/

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Progressive Events, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Event planning specialists. Culver City, CA.
- http://www.progressiveevents.com

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Thaler Corporation Open in a new windowLink Details
- Planning and management of corporate and private events. US based.
- http://www.4greatmeetingsandevents.com/

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Sampling, Events and Promotion, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- A service agency specializing in field marketing and planning events of all sizes. Loveland, OH.
- http://www.samplingevents.com/

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Preston Productions, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers concept development, program management, creative and media production services, theatrical staging and audiovisual presentation services for customers in information technology, financial services, product marketing and manufacturing. Based in MA.
- http://www.prestonevents.com/

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Perfect Surroundings, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- A special event design and production company specializing in thematic parties and corporate event services. Florida and Rhode Island offices.
- http://www.perfectsurroundingsinc.com/

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The Patterson Communications Group, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Business communications resource in sales and marketing and the production of corporate meetings and events. New Jersey.
- http://www.thepattersonsite.com/

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Pierce Promotions and Event Management Open in a new windowLink Details
- A full service integrated event marketing company specializing in sponsorship management, sampling programs, special events, mobile tours, mall marketing, exhibit management and collegiate marketing. Portland, Maine.
- http://www.pierceevents.com/

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Viad Corp. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a range of convention and event marketing services. Features investor information, shareholder resources, company news, and employment opportunities. Phoenix, Arizona.
- http://www.viad.com/

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Professional Meeting Planners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Meeting and conference planning services including site selection, consultations, meeting management, hotel logistics, and speaker management. Stoneham, Massachusetts.
- http://www.pmpmeeting.com/

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Roberts Event Group, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Producing special events, destination management, entertainment and conference planning. Jenkintown, PA.
- http://www.robertseventgroup.com/

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Robert P. Schron Associates, Ltd. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers customized global meeting, event planning and incentive travel services. Includes a FAQ and list of sample services. Based in New York City.
- http://www.schronassociates.com

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Speakers & Events-R-Us Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides full-service meeting, training, and event production services. Williams Bay, WI.
- http://www.speakersandeventsrus.com/

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Someone's in the Kitchen Open in a new windowLink Details
- Catering and full-service production and management of corporate and private events. Tarzana , CA.
- http://www.sitk.com/

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Ruggerio and Associates, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- A professional management services firm specializing in project management, travel management, and meeting planning. Naperville, IL.
- http://www.ruggerio.com

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Plaza Meetings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers worldwide meeting planning and execution. Latham, NY.
- http://www.plazameetings.com/

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Rick Herns Productions Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides entertainment, decor, catering and special effects for corporate events and private parties. Menlo Park, CA.
- http://www.rickhernsproductions.com/

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Shores Destinations Open in a new windowLink Details
- Free meeting and event planning services. Domestic and international meetings. Small groups to large corporations. Albuquerque, NM.
- http://shoresdestinations.com

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Parties At Your Door Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides full-service design and implementation of events and conventions. Woodland Hills, Ca.
- http://www.partiesatyourdoor.com

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Outdoor Events Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializes in sports marketing and creating corporate adventures in golf, hunting, and fishing. Columbus, GA.
- http://www.outdoorevents.com

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Orion Meetings and Events Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializing in planning of meetings, conventions, trade shows and corporate events. California.
- http://www.orionontheweb.com/

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On-Site Productions Open in a new windowLink Details
- Meeting planning firm with offices in the US and UK. Based in Alexandria, VA.
- http://www.on-siteproductions.com/

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Myrl Suite and Associates Open in a new windowLink Details
- Corporate event planning for the highest caliber clients. Memorable quality events and parties with enormous attention to detail. Aptos, CA.
- http://www.myrlsuite.com

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MSP Resources Open in a new windowLink Details
- Full-service meeting and event management resource. Minneapolis, MN and Jacksonville, FL.
- http://www.mspres.com

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MRA Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Manages and supports annual meetings, conferences, primarily for educational groups. Woodinville, WA.
- http://www.mra-services.com

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MiM: Meetings In Medicine Open in a new windowLink Details
- Full-service planning company that specializes in meetings for the healthcare industry. New York.
- http://www.meetingsinmedicine.com

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Michael Carson Productions, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides production services and entertainment for corporate meetings, business theater, special events, product introductions and trade shows. New York.
- http://www.mcpnyc.com/

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MeetingWorks Group, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Meeting management company specializing in planning and support of conferences, conventions, meetings and special events. Florida.
- http://www.meetingworksgroup.com/

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The Meeting Specialist Open in a new windowLink Details
- Planning corporate meetings and events. Offices in California, Colorado and Florida.
- http://www.meetingspecialist.com

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Meeting Sites Pro, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- A meeting and event planning company, helping with conference, event, destination, hotels, and group services. San Diego, CA.
- http://www.meetingsitespro.com/

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Meeting Services Connection Open in a new windowLink Details
- Results-oriented meeting and event planning designed around the strategy of your organization. Acton, MA.
- http://www.meetingservices.net

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MAC Meetings and Events Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers worldwide meeting and event management services. Saint Louis, MO.
- http://www.macmeetings.com/

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M. Young Communications Open in a new windowLink Details
- Development, management and publicity of high-profile promotional events. New York.
- http://www.myoungcom.com

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Lowenstein Event Marketing Group Open in a new windowLink Details
- Marketing, event planning, public relations and a full range of services for corporate, sporting and non-profit events. Hunt Valley, MD.
- http://lowensteinevents.com/

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Logistics Open in a new windowLink Details
- A full service meeting planning company custom designed to specific requirements and budgets around the world. San Jose, California.
- http://www.logistics1.com

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KMA Events, L.L.C. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides customized event solutions to corporations, foundations and non-profits. New Jersey.
- http://www.kmaevents.com/

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Key Events, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers expert planning and production for corporate, social, and fund raising events. From small to large events. California.
- http://www.keyevents.com

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Kenyon Company Open in a new windowLink Details
- Corporate event organising, event management and planning, meeting and promotion services, special product launch, advertising and public relations. Based in Florida.
- http://www.kenyonandcompany.com/index.html

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The Kellen Company Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides professional management services for associations. Background, clients, media, and contact information.
- http://www.kellencompany.com/

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KEI Productions Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides planning and execution of events, video production, entertainment and guerrilla marketing. Brooklyn, New York.
- http://www.keiproductions.com/

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KCM Productions, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Event management and entertainment nationwide. Lisle, IL.
- http://kcmproductions.com

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Impact Incentives & Meetings, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializes in customized incentive travel programs, corporate meetings and product launches. East Hanover, N.J.
- http://www.impactincentives.com/

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ICAT Expo Open in a new windowLink Details
- Trade show logistics company offers special event planning, display shipping, global exhibition logistics and expo freight services domestically and internationally. Linthicum, MD.
- http://www.icatexpo.com/

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Hunter Productions Open in a new windowLink Details
- Plans, coordinates and manages corporate meetings and conferences in the U.S. and abroad. San Francisco based.
- http://www.hunterproductionssf.com/

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JML Events Open in a new windowLink Details
- Planning and management of meetings, corporate and private events and parties. Newport Beach, CA.
- http://www.jmlevents.com/

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Meetings by Design, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Business meeting and special event production services.
- http://www.meetingsbydesign.net/

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John Daly, Inc. International Open in a new windowLink Details
- A full-service event design and production company. California and Nevada.
- http://www.jdalyinc.com/

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Meeting Insites International, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- A meeting consulting company providing essential services for conferences, conventions and trade shows to organizations globally. Falls Church, VA.
- http://www.meetinginsites.com

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Impression Productions Open in a new windowLink Details
- Doug Miller and Associates offer consulting and seminar services including sponsorship marketing, corporate and special event entertainment and festival, convention, and trade show management. Tacoma, WA.
- http://www.impressionproductions.com/

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Special D Events, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering corporate meeting and event planning services on a national and international level. Royal Oak, MI.
- http://www.specialdevents.com/

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Mar Y Sol Event Productions Open in a new windowLink Details
- A full service event planning company producing corporate and private events. San Francisco, CA.
- http://www.marysolevents.com/

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Meetings and Events International Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializes in developing and managing continuing education, sales and incentive programs for the pharmaceutical industry. Evansville, IN.
- http://www.meintl.com/

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Meeting Expectations, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- A full-service conference planning and association management company that also offers conference management consulting and site selection services. Atlanta, GA.
- http://www.meetingexpectations.com/

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Moonlighting Events Open in a new windowLink Details
- A full service corporate event planning company producing projects including grand openings, employee recognition events, incentive travel and themed company celebrations such as picnics and holiday galas. Concord, CA.
- http://www.moonlightingevents.com/

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Moondance Events Open in a new windowLink Details
- Works with corporations and entertainment organizations to create promotional, social and fund raising events. Culver City, CA.
- http://www.moondanceevents.com/

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Landry & Kling, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Plans and manages business meetings and conventions at sea. Florida.
- http://www.corporatecruises.com/

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Mach 2 Event Management Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Custom events or managing corporate participation at existing events, by providing a full event management service. Victor, NY.
- http://www.mach2management.com

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That's Entertainment Open in a new windowLink Details
- Full-service event planning including venue location and entertainment. NY.
- http://www.thatsentertainmentofny.com/

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OnTheMark Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a full range of conference and events programming services. We will serve as general consultants, single activity managers or manage the entire program. East Longmeadow, MA.
- http://www.onthemarkevents.com

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Sylvester Management Corporation Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides independent meeting, conference, association and trade show management services. Columbia, SC.
- http://www.sylvestermanagement.com/

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LB Production Center Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing production needs for corporate meetings, special events, trade show booths from one location. Lodi, CA.
- http://www.lbproductioncenter.com

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Just Imagine Events Open in a new windowLink Details
- Plans, designs and manages special events. Chicago, IL.
- http://www.justimagineevents.com/

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Hunt Conference Group, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides event planning services focusing on housing and production throughout North America. Grapevine, Texas.
- http://www.huntconferencegroup.com

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High Performance Designs Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides destination management, special event production and decor services. South Florida.
- http://www.highperformancedesigns.com/

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Health Dimensions Open in a new windowLink Details
- Coordinator of health and lifestyle expos and corporate wellness programs for working individuals. US based.
- http://www.hdexpos.com

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Hargrove Open in a new windowLink Details
- Management firm for special events, custom exhibits, trade show services, entertainment and parade float division. Lanham, MD.
- http://www.hargroveinc.com/

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Event Makers Open in a new windowLink Details
- National travel planning for small or large corporations for conventions, or incentive programs in the US or Mexico. Based in California.
- http://www.event-makers.com

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Global Event Management Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specialized in development and implementation of integrated event management programs. Tahoe City, CA.
- http://www.globaleventmanagement.com/

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Gatherings d'Elegance Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing entertainment, catering, activities, custom themes, decor and destination management services. Downey, CA.
- http://www.corporategatherings.com/

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From Water to Wine Open in a new windowLink Details
- An independent event and conference planning company, handling events from parties to international conferences. Minneapolis, MN.
- http://www.fromwatertowine.com/

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Five Star Productions, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Producing large corporate events, conferences, conventions, awards programs and sales meetings. Minneapolis, MN.
- http://www.fivestarproductions.net/

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First Protocol Open in a new windowLink Details
- Event management, corporate hospitality, conferences, event planning. London and New York.
- http://www.firstprotocol.com

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Vision Event Productions Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers full service meeting planning, production, management and measurement. San Diego, CA.
- http://www.visionep.com

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