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The Edit Pro Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Edit Pro provides fast and accurate proofreading and copyediting services to businesses, web developers, authors, students, and researchers. Blue Springs, MO.
- http://www.theeditpro.com

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When you need A Good Edit Open in a new windowLink Details
- A Resource for the Aspiring Writer. MD
- http://agoodedit.com

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Goof Proof Services, LLC Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides businesses with document and website quality control services. Camas, WA
- http://www.goofproofservices.com

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Julie L. Greene, Professional Editing Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Freelance editing services including proofreading, copyediting, proofreading, and writing revisions. St Paul, MN.
- http://www.julielgreene.com

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FirstEditing.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Firm provides editing of manuscripts, articles, manuals, papers, letters, technical documents, thesis work, dissertations, journals, business proposals, and Web sites. Orlando, Florida
- http://www.firstediting.com

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Stenosearch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Search engine for transcriptionists and court reporters; includes directory of proofreading professionals. Dover, NH.
- http://www.stenosearch.com

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The Wordsmithery Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional proofreading and editing services for students, novelists, and business professionals. Elburn, IL
- http://thewordsmithery.com/

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The Virtual Word.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Editing and proofreading services for reports, presentations, résumés, manuals, catalogues, press releases, brochures, advertising copy, and in-house publications. Boynton Beach, FL
- http://www.thevirtualword.com

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New Era Editing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Profession editing and research service. Atlanta, GA.
- http://neweraediting.com

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SharperMessage Open in a new windowLink Details
- Freelance editor and language expert offering editing and proofreading services. New York, NY.
- http://www.sharpermessage.com

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Morris Editing Services, LLC Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides a range of proofreading and editing services. Las Vegas, NV
- http://www.morrisediting.com

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Noveledit.net Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers editing services for writers, literary agents, and publishers.
- http://noveledit.net

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Editorial Consulting Services (ECS) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional writing and editing firm specializing in business communications. San Rafael, CA
- http://www.editorialconsulting.com

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WriterPros: Professional Writing Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- WriterPros specializes in business writing, including Web content, advertising and marketing materials, brochures, newsletters, and technical articles. Thousand Oaks, CA
- http://www.writerpros.com

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Manuscript Reviews Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides authors, publishers, and business professionals with editing services, ESL English services, and manuscript reviews. Longview, TX
- http://www.manuscriptreviews.com

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Lisa Stormes Hawker Editorial Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides proofreading, editing, and ghostwriting services and Fun with Conan the Grammarian podcasts. Littleton, CO
- http://www.lisastormeshawker.com

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Manuscript Critique Open in a new windowLink Details
- Michael Garrett offers fast, affordable manuscript editing services, helping new writers achieve publication.
- http://www.manuscriptcritique.com

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Second Opinion Editing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides proofreading, editing, and manuscript evaluation services. Portland, OR
- http://home.earthlink.net/%7e2ndopinionediting/

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Certified Editing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Certified Editing provides editing, proofreading, and writing services to business, individuals, and students. Valrico, FL
- http://www.certifiedediting.com

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Writers Ink Open in a new windowLink Details
- Judith Ross Enderle and Stephanie Jacob Gordon offer a critique service specializing in literature written for children.
- http://www.writersinkville.com

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Northwest Independent Editors Guild Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Northwest Independent Editors Guild is an alliance of more than 200 professional freelance editors in Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and Idaho.
- http://www.edsguild.org

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Clear Copy Editorial Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers writing, editing, and proofreading services. Rates; description of services. Boise, Idaho.
- http://clearcopy.com

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AAE Association of Art Editors (AAE) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Members exchange information about editorial practices, standards, and job opportunities. Includes directory of professionals. St. Louis Park, MN.
- http://www.artedit.org

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Llumina Press Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides personalized self-publishing services including editing, typesetting, and marketing. Tamarac, FL.
- http://www.llumina.com

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Inspiration for Writers Open in a new windowLink Details
- A writer's resource with manuscript editing and critiquing and tips and techniques for both the beginning and established writer. Offers gift certificates. Parkersburg, WV.
- http://users.wirefire.com/tritt/home.html

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Copyediting-L (CE-L) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Copyediting List at Indiana University for copy editors. Listserv archives, FAQs, and resources, including a directory of freelancers.
- http://copyediting-l.info

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Wordsworth Writing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Lori Jo Oswald, who has a Ph.D. in English, specializes in technical writing and editing, proofreading, resume and cover letter writing, and document formatting. Palmer, Alaska.
- http://www.wordsworthwriting.net

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The Writer's Place Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides a full line of editorial services for small businesses, writers, and research professionals. Mountain View, CA
- http://thewritersplace.com/index.php

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The Word Doc Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers writing and ghost writing, copy writing, and editing.
- http://www.theworddoc.com

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The Last Word LLC — Editing and Proofreading Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional editorial service specializing in marketing copy, Web sites, manuals, textbooks, press releases, magazines, newsletters, brochures, and catalogs. Tallahassee, FL.
- http://www.lastwordedits.com

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Compass Rose Horizons Editorial Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Freelance editor and proofreader offering proofreading, editing, book design, and transcription services. Includes grammar tips and self-publishing resources for writers. Chicago, Illinois.
- http://www.compassrose.com

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Preditors and Editors Open in a new windowLink Details
- P&E provides resources for writers, including an extensive list of U.S. editors and proofreaders.
- http://www.anotherealm.com/prededitors/peesla.htm

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Editorial Freelancers Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- EFA members include editors, writers, and proofreaders. Search the membership directory by skill, specialty, location, or name.
- http://www.the-efa.org

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Dream Writer's Essentials Open in a new windowLink Details
- Editing, proofreading, and manuscript evaluation. Washington, DC.
- http://www.dreamwritersessentials.org

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Melissa Morley Amour Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides professional freelance writing, editing, research, and content development services to businesses and individuals. Levittown, PA.
- http://mysite.verizon.net/melissa.amour/index.htm

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Writers Unlimited Agency Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing arts, news, lessons, editing, advice. David B. Axelrod, director. Selden, NY.
- http://writersunlimited.org/

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Writeway Editing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Arlene Uslander is a freelance book editor. Services include line editing and brief critiques of book drafts and articles. Glenview, IL.
- http://www.uslander.net/

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Writer's Lifeline Open in a new windowLink Details
- Editorial services company led by founder and chairman Ken Atchity and president Andrea McKeown. Los Angeles, CA.
- http://www.thewriterslifeline.com

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The Weis Revise Open in a new windowLink Details
- Copy editing, rewriting, proofreading and ghost writing services from Marilyn Weishaar. South Dakota.
- http://www.theweisrevise.com

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Writers Welcome Open in a new windowLink Details
- A professional editing and critique service with a mentorship program and workshops for writers. Eugene, OR.
- http://www.writerswelcome.com

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Words, Ink Open in a new windowLink Details
- Editing (copy and content creative), literary agency, and writing services. Redding, California.
- http://www.words-ink.com

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WriteContent Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides authors, publishers, agents, and other professionals with freelance editorial services for writing projects ranging from book-length manuscripts to web content. Milwaukie.
- http://www.writecontent.com

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Scribe Freelance Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional writing, copyediting and proofreading services to meet academic and literary needs. New York.
- http://scribefreelance.com

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Pencilsproofreading.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides proofreading, copyediting, and formatting for businesses and students. Redondo Beach, CA.
- http://www.pencilsproofreading.com

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New Leaf Editing Open in a new windowLink Details
- A professional editing service specializing in unpublished writers of fiction (novels and short stories) and literary non-fiction (memoir, autobiography, and biography). Seattle, WA.
- http://www.newleafediting.com

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Lynda Lotman Open in a new windowLink Details
- Manuscript editing of fiction and nonfiction, serving writers, literary agents, and publishers. Texas.
- http://www.manuscriptediting.com

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KOK Edit Open in a new windowLink Details
- Copyediting, substantive editing, and fact checking for book publishers and packagers, authors, and business Web sites. East Setauket, NY.
- http://www.kokedit.com

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Four Points Editing LLP Open in a new windowLink Details
- A global team of freelancers provides high-quality, flexible, and cost-effective solutions. Bokeelia, FL.
- http://www.fourpointsediting.com

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Janson Literary Services, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers editing, proofreading, and copy writing services for businesses, individuals, writers, and teachers. Phoenix, AZ.
- http://www.jansonliteraryservicesinc.com

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Ace Copyediting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Freelance editorial services including copyediting, proofreading, manuscript evaluations, and writing revisions. San Antonio, TX.
- http://www.acecopyediting.com/

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Jasmin Cori Open in a new windowLink Details
- Freelance author and editor providing a range of writing and editing services. Boulder, CO.
- http://www.jasmincori.com

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Jill S. Eastwood Open in a new windowLink Details
- Editing of doctoral dissertations, master's theses, journal articles, grant proposals, and books. Expertise in APA and Turabian. Freelancer based in Pacifica, CA, United States.
- http://www.jeastwood.com

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Hartbright Editorial Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides manuscript evaluation, proofreading, copy-editing, content and line editing, rewriting, and writing. Sweetwater, TN.
- http://www.hartbright.com

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GranatEdit Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides editing and writing at any stage in the document development process. Boston, MA.
- http://www.granatedit.com

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Fresh Eye Edits Open in a new windowLink Details
- Melissa Messina is a freelance resume writer and editor providing editing, proofreading, and resume services. Portland, OR.
- http://www.fresheyeedits.com

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Editor's Ink Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides writing and editorial services. Baltimore, MD.
- http://www.editorsink.com

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EditPower Open in a new windowLink Details
- Editorial services site includes introduction, pricing, and tips on writing. Manchester, NH.
- http://www.editpower.com

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Editorial Resources Open in a new windowLink Details
- A professional writing and editing firm providing editorial support, documentation review, and grammar revision. Pearland, TX.
- http://www.editorial-resources.com

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Editrix Denver Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializes in writing and editing for Internet and print media. Denver, CO.
- http://www.editrixdenver.com

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Editing International, LLC Open in a new windowLink Details
- Editing services and creative writing resources. Springfield, OR.
- http://www.4-edit.com

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EditAvenue.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- In depth professional editing and proofreading service. Choose from qualified writing experts. Express delivery available. Boston, MA.
- http://www.editavenue.com

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Eye Spy Proofreading Open in a new windowLink Details
- Proofreading of business documents, articles, manuals, newsletters, brochures, and instructional and educational materials. Also provides Spanish proofreading services. Shepherdstown, WV.
- http://www.eyespyproofreading.com

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Edit Express Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional editing of proposals, reports, brochures, and other documents. Burlington, MA.
- http://www.editexpress.com/

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Editing Lane Open in a new windowLink Details
- Editing and proofreading the work of writers, academics, students. Seattle, WA.
- http://www.editinglane.com

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Donna Maurer, Ph.D. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers professional academic editing of theses, dissertations, books, and journal articles. Salem, MA.
- http://www.academic-editor.com

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Cranky Editor Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing and editorial services for large corporations, publishers, small businesses, entrepreneurs, and private clients. Burbank, CA.
- http://www.crankyeditor.com

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Nora Cohen Open in a new windowLink Details
- Former senior editor at a major publisher available to assist children's book authors in conceptualizing, writing, editing, and submitting their manuscripts. San Diego, CA.
- http://www.childrensbookediting.com

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Cavanaugh Editorial Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Freelance copyediting and proofreading services. Schwenksville, PA.
- http://www.cavanaugheditorial.com

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Cathy Kessler — Business Proofreading Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializing in proofreading and copyediting services to enhance the professional image of authors, publishers, copywriters, and other business professionals. Lancaster, PA.
- http://www.businessproofreading.com

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Bristol Services Intl. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Manuscript critique with market analysis and copy editing. Carlsborg, WA.
- http://bristolservicesintl.com

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Bojda Editorial and Writing Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers copyediting, indexing, proofreading, and technical writing services. Sidney, IL.
- http://www.bojda.com

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The Book Editor Open in a new windowLink Details
- Laurie Rosin provides assistance and agent access for serious writers of all genres. Sarasota, FL.
- http://www.thebookeditor.com

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Book Editing Associates Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers editing and writing services to new and established writers, literary agents, and publishers. Texas.
- http://www.book-editing.com

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Snowden Editorial Service Open in a new windowLink Details
- Susan Snowden offers developmental editing and consulting, as well as manuscript analysis, line editing and proofreading. Based in NC.
- http://www.snowdeneditorial.com/

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Boston Editing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Editorial services are offered to native and non-native writers of English on projects ranging in size from book manuscripts to letters. Boston, MA.
- http://www.bostonediting.com

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American Proofreading Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional copy editing and proofreading. Philadelphia, PA.
- http://www.americanproofreading.com

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Writer's Relief, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Services for writers, including researching markets, requesting guidelines, preparing cover letters, tracking submissions, proofreading, and promoting. Hackensack, New Jersey.
- http://www.writersrelief.com/

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WORDrunner Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides writing, proofreading and editing services for corporations, governmental agencies and small businesses. Miami Beach, Florida.
- http://www.hamra.net/wordrunner/

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The Unexpected Company Open in a new windowLink Details
- Checks for correct spelling, use of words, English language translation errors, grammatical errors and story flow for International business web page sites. Fort Morgan, Colorado.

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Proofread Enterprises Open in a new windowLink Details
- Proofreading by retired newspaper/magazine editor Johnnie Ainsley. Descriptions and prices for the four levels of service offered. Rockledge, Florida.
- http://www1.ecxmall.com/stores/proofreader/StoreFront.bok

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Karen Gomolka Editorial Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers technical and consumer editorial services, specializing in the dental, medical, and health-care markets. Chicago, IL.
- http://www.eyegarden.com

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Just Editing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializes in editing of all professional and academic documents. Rockville, CT.
- http://www.justediting.com

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Larmer Consulting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Full-service editing and writing consultants for business and non-profit professionals. Orlando, FL.
- http://www.larmerconsulting.com

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Farrar Writing and Editing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Editorial and writing services for publishers, businesses, and non-profit agencies. Mound, MN.
- http://www.writeandedit.net

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Pneuma Books Open in a new windowLink Details
- Self publisher and small press editorial services. Helpful information on the editorial process. North East, Maryland.
- http://www.pneumabooks.com/

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Alan McCright Open in a new windowLink Details
- Freelance writer, copyeditor, and Web designer. Offers services for publishers and authors.
- http://amccright.ancientartways.com

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Accurate English Proofreading Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Academic editing and proofreading services for undergraduate, graduate, and international students. Professional proofreading for theses, dissertations, and essays. Lakewood, Colorado.
- http://www.e-accurateenglish.com/

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A-1 Editing Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional editing service specializing in first-time authors of fiction (novels and short stories) and non-fiction.
- http://www.alphaediting.com

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A-1 Complete Writing and Editing Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional writers and editors for novels, autobiographies, poetry, dissertations, and technical or business writing. Cheyenne, Wyoming.
- http://www.a-1writingandediting.writernetwork.com

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Web Landmann Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers professional editorial, training, and publishing services for businesses, professionals, and associations. Bayfield County, Wisconsin.
- http://web-landmann.com

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Freelance Editor Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing, editing, and proofreading services. Orlando, FL.
- http://www.freelance-editor.com

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