Lefty's Stable Horse Classifieds
- Lefty's Stable is your source for all things horse! Offering horse classified ads to individuals in the United States and Canada.
- http://www.leftysstable.com
TackTrader - Buy, sell, and trade all kinds of horse tack and equipment. - http://www.tacktrader.com
The Horse Marketer - A horse classified ad site with a dog section. General and breed specific sections. - http://www.horsemarketer.com
NetEquine.com - Offers free photo advertising for horses. - http://www.netequine.com
Equine Now - Offers free photo advertisements and a searchable catalog. - http://www.equinenow.com/
Horsetopia.com - Classified ads offering horses for sale, searchable by breed or by state or province. Free submissions, links to tack and supplies. - http://horsetopia.com/
Equibus - Offers searchable horse classifieds and stallion directory. Also offers photos and distribution flyers. - http://www.equibus.com
Equine Insite - Offering unlimited free classified ad listings for all breeds of horses, horse products and horse services. - http://equineinsite.equine.com
EquiMart - Horse Classified Ads - Online directory of horse related classified ads, and other horse information. - http://www.equimart.ca
The Horse Market - Horses for sale, all breeds. Completely automated for both buyer and seller, organized by breed, gender, price, ability, bloodline. - http://www.thehorsemarket.com/