RSCDS - Portland Branch - Scottish dancing in Portland, Oregon area. Includes institutional information, classes and events calendar, and maps. -
RSCDS - Phoenix Branch - Calendar of classes and dancing events, as well as contact information. -
RSCDS - New York branch - Information about classes and events. -
RSCDS - Seattle Branch - Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in Seattle, Washington. Offers classes, workshops, dances and balls. See a calendar of events, links, and newsletter. -
RSCDS - Chicago branch - Chicago branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. Information about classes, activities and events. -
RSCDS - New Jersey branch - Information about the classes and events offered. -
Skagit Scottish Country Dancers - (Anacortes, Washington) The group sponsors classes and workshops, dances, and other public events in the greater Skagit Valley area. Affiliated with the RSCDS. -
Scotia Dancers of New York - Affiliate group of the RSCDS in New York, NJ. Features calendar of events and information about class times and fees. -
RSCDS - Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia branches - Official joint site for both branches of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. Includes tips for beginners, covering clothing, dance instructions and supply shops. -
RSCDS - San Francisco branch - Features calendar of meetings and classes, as well as the guidelines of the branch and contact information for its members. -
RSCDS - Delaware Valley Branch - Country dancing throughout the Philadelphia area. Classes, social dancing, and demonstrations are available. Site has schedules, descriptions, and maps of branch events, along with contact information. -
RSCDS - Cincinnati Branch - Information about classes and events in Cincinnati, OH. Includes instruction for dances, costume resources and membership information. -
RSCDS - Boston Branch - Covers classes, events, membership information and the demonstration team. -
Mountain View Scottish Country Dance - Affiliate of the San Francisco branch of the RSCDS. Offers a brief introduction to Scottish country dancing, pictures, animations and a calendar of events and classes. -
Cameron Scottish Dancers - Information about parties, workshops and classes of Scottish country dancing. Affiliate of the RSCDS. -
Austin Scottish Country Dance Society - Austin, Texas society. Includes information about their weekly dance classes, balls and workshops. Also offers a newsletter and the Ghillies Gazette. -