Haines, Eric - Washington based stand-up comedian, juggler, stilt walker and musician. Show features comedy songs on banjo and guitar for corporate events and festivals. - http://www.comedyrocket.com/
Crazy Benny's - Audience participation show in Las Vegas. - http://www.crazybennys.com/
Travalena, Fred - Upcoming engagements and public speaking details, audio samples and merchandise list. - http://www.fredtravalena.com
Slaight, Brad - A Los Angeles based comedian, actor and writer. Credits, reviews, biography and video clips. - http://www.bradslaight.com/
Giant Tuesday Night - Stand-up, sketch, character and musical comedy show in New York City. - http://www.gianttuesday.com
Spencer World Wide - Demo videos, biography, reviews, photos and contact information for Los Angeles comedian Yul Spencer. - http://www.spencerworldwide.com
Corey, Irwin - Official site offers biography, reviews and photo gallery. - http://www.irwincorey.org/
Van Ritzen, Kirsten - A one woman comedy playing The Hudson Theatre in Hollywood. Includes publicity photos, media details, venue location and dates, performer profile and a description of her show. - http://www.thekirstenvanritzenshow.8k.com/
Chaplain, Hilary - Professional physical comedienne, specializing in solo performance, comedy routines, improv and theater. Site includes bio, show descriptions & critical reviews. - http://hilarychaplain.com/
Goldberg, Ester - Jewish drag artist hosting a variety of quiz-style shows. Site features upcoming events, background information and contact details. - http://www.estergoldberg.com
Van Straaten, J. Keith - Live, non-televised talk show in Los Angeles and game show "Beat the Geeks." Includes biography, news, upcoming schedule, forum and contact information. - http://www.jkeith.net/
Konig, Dave - Provides biography, news, contact information, archives, audio clips and past appearances. - http://www.davekonig.com
Mr. Zed - Robot comedian from the future. Includes history and information about comedian, past, present and future appearances and video clips. - http://www.mrzed.com