Fyrefly - English swing-folk duo based in Denmark. Includes tour dates, biography, album information, and booking details. - http://fyrefly.dk/
Frank, Jackon C - Fan site for the late singer-songwriter. Includes discography, photographs, and liner notes. - http://www.blueangel.demon.co.uk/jcfrank/
Flook - UK festival band with two flutes, guitar and bodhran. Includes a gig guide, information on recordings, reviews, and profile of the band. - http://www.flook.co.uk/
Frier, Tich - Scottish musician. Includes biography, discography, latest news, and booking information. - http://www.tichfrier.co.uk/
Foucault, Jeffrey - American singer-songwriter. Includes biography, tour dates, lyrics, and information on recordings. - http://www.jeffreyfoucault.com/