Kunzli, Mathius - Includes biography, pictures, upcoming events, lessons, and contact details. - http://mathiaskunzli.com
Korn, Andy - Includes biography, audio, schedule, links, and contact details. - http://www.akdrum.com
Knaack, Donald "Junkman" - Conservatory-trained percussionist who now performs on junk and recycled materials. Information and samples. - http://www.junkmusic.org/
Kapilidis, Nickos - A jazz drummer from Greece. Biography, photos, discography, and MP3s. - http://www.nickoskapilidis.gr/
Katché, Manu - Includes biography, drum diagrams, and discography. - http://www.home.zonnet.nl/j.chong/
Kennedy, Will - Contemporary jazz drummer. Discography, drum equipment, discussion, and lessons. - http://www.willkennedy.com/
Kauèiè, Zlatko - Official website. Slovenian Drummer and Percussionist. - http://www.kaucic-zk.si