LOTR Stained Glass - Stained-glass LOTR figures by a Japanese artist. - http://patyna-room.sub.jp/road/index.html
Middle Earth - Games, facts and web polls to vote in. - http://www.middleearth.freehosting.net/
Dark Elf - Fan's 3D Photoshop, Bryce and Poser art for LoTR. - http://www.darkelf.ca/
The Burping Troll Inn - Home for a collection of collaborative stories of intrigue and derring-do in Tolkein's Middle Earth. - http://www.burpingtroll.com/
Walking Tree Publishers - Small-press publisher of Middle Earth-universe books. - http://home.datacomm.ch/shadowfax/walkingtree/
Fan.TheOneRing.net - Archive including music, art, and stories. - http://fan.theonering.net/