Julian's Tolkien Pages - Images, biography, and graphics. - http://members.chello.be/ws35756/Tolkien/main.htm
Nimrodel - Costume design and fan page. Original costumes and props with how-to details. - http://elysiumgates.com/~nimrodel
Tolkien Gateway - Information about the movies, books, languages, music, as well as downloads and community forums. - http://www.tolkiengateway.net/
The Mathom House.com - Dedicated to Tolkien. Links to other sites relating to Tolkien, Middle-earth, the LoTR movies and books. - http://www.the-mathom-house.com/Eastfarthing-silmarils.html
The Harp and Hobbit - Photos from New Zealand LotR film locations, music, artwork, criticism and link collection. All content in English. - http://www.harpandhobbit.de/
Tinuviel - Dedicated to Luthien Tinuviel, the elven princess who became mortal to save Beren. Provides news, an editorial, archives, humor, guest book, and a forum. - http://www.tinuviel.ch/
Solarfall's Realm - Original artwork and fiction based around the hobbits Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee. - http://home.tiscali.nl/solarfallsartwork/
LOTRfanclub Scrapbook - Archives of this LOTR fan club. Creative writing, poetry, parodies and essays. - http://lotrscrapbook.bookloaf.net/
Frodo Rulez - Features history of the Ringbearer, fun, multimedia, screen images, and fan fiction. - http://www.andontie.net/frodorulez/
Alkabeth: Downfallen - Fanlisting devoted to the Silmarillion. Provides introduction, codes, affiliates, links, and information about joining. - http://numenor.deep-ice.com/fanlisting/
The Lord of the Rings: My Story - Ericson's essay on Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and the Peter Jackson films made from it. - http://www.pericson.com/writings/lotr/
Unverse: Tolkien - Facts about the author, his work and the movies. Includes summaries of the races and characters of Middle-earth. - http://www.unverse.com/Tolkien.html
The Old Forest - Includes information, post cards, and a discussion board. Also available in Swedish. - http://medlem.spray.se/theoldforest/main/main.html
Tolkienet - A Tolkien fansite. - http://www.tolkienet.com/
Night Gem's Tolkien Page - Translation of Tom Bombadil poems into French, art, downloads, excerpts, and links. - http://users.skynet.be/NightGem/tolkien.htm
Gandalf's Cave - Contains artwork and poetry. - http://gandalf.white.homepage.dk/
Bag End - Pictures, character information, and links. - http://home.c2i.net/smurray/
Luthien Tinuviel's Page - Personal homepage with an emphasis on Luthien. - http://www.luthien-tinuviel.net
Shire Post - Actual paper-and-ink mail with an elaborate hobbit theme. - http://www.shirepost.com
The Tolkien Meta-FAQ - A unified index to the major Tolkien FAQs and a personalized book list. - http://tolkien.slimy.com/
Tolkien's Haven - Encyclopedia, quizzes, quotations, gallery, biography, Sindarin introduction, and a poll. - http://website.lineone.net/~istari/
There and Back Again - Virtual 'Red Book of Westmarch' which contains character information and multimedia. [Flash 5 Required] - http://www.thereandbackagain.net/
Isildur's Lair - Featuring book covers, maps, links and some pictures. - http://www.isildur.com/tolkien/