Y-Jesus: Mona Lisa's Smirk - Article points out some errors of fact in the facts behind this work of fiction. Also available in pdf format for download. - http://www.y-zine.com/mona_lisa.htm
Da Vinci Code Photo Galleries - Photos of the London and Paris locations discussed in the novel. - http://reference.aol.com/movies/da-vinci-code
Da Vinci Code Research Guide - A Guide to the People, Places, and Mysteries behind the Da Vinci Code. - http://altreligion.about.com/library/bl_davincicode.htm
Demystifying The Da Vinci Code - Information and analysis regarding the book, "The Da Vinci Code." - http://www.re-quest.net/mystery/da-vinci-code/index.htm
The Da Vinci Code Movie - A site all about the new the Da Vinci code movie information and latest rumours about the book and movie. - http://www.thedavincicodemovie.co.uk
Sony Pictures - The Da Vinci Code - Ron Howard and Akiva Goldsman, reunite to bring Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. - http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/thedavincicode/
The DaVinci Code - Companion site to the novel includes riddles and games. - http://www.randomhouse.com/doubleday/davinci/
Planet Envoy - Da Vinci Code Critique - Providing a critique and examination of The Da Vinci Code. - http://www.envoymagazine.com/planetenvoy/Review-DaVinci-Part1.htm
Opus Dei - The Da Vinci Code - A response to The Da Vinci Code by the Prelature of Opus Dei in the United States. - http://www.opusdei.org/art.php?w=32&p=7017
The Da Vinci Code - From the author's site. Includes excerpt, challenge, and reviews. - http://www.danbrown.com/novels/davinci_code/
Wikipedia - The Da Vinci Code - Provides plot and character descriptions of the book. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Da_Vinci_Code