Upcoming Theatrical Releases - Presented by Animation World Network - lists production details and related links for animated feature films, direct-to-video and DVD, as well as live-action films which include computer/digital animation. - http://releases.awn.com
Animation World Network: Film News - Headline news related to animated films, or theatrical films using animation. - http://news.awn.com/index.php3?ltype=cat&category1=Films
All-Reviews.com - Reviews of animated movies. - http://www.all-reviews.com/video-lists/Animation.htm
American Memory - Origins of Animation - Development of early American animation represented by collection of 21 animated films and 2 fragments, spanning the years 1900 - 1921. - http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/oahtml/oahome.html
Internet Movie Database - Searchable index of more than 10,000 animated TV series and movies. - http://us.imdb.com/Sections/Genres/Animation/
Jurassic Punk - The original web collection of movie and animation clips and trailers. - http://www.jurassicpunk.com/anim.html
Keyframe - The Animation Resource - Features sections for animated shorts, series, films, holiday specials and web animation, as well as a voice actor index, studio information and news. - http://www.keyframeonline.com/